restarting my phone

Why Regularly Restarting Your Android Phone Is Important

The first thing anybody would probably ask you whenever you have an issue with your mobile device or any other gadget. It is, “Have you attempted to turn it off and back on again?” 

Given that it is such broad counsel, this may come out as annoying. But whether there’s something real to this purported rapid repair, or is it just tech lore? Sp. In this article, we will see actually what does restarting your phone do.

It’s crucial to realize prior we continue that rebooting your smartphone shouldn’t truly hurt it. In some circumstances, it could even be advantageous. Find out more below.

What does restart your phone do?

All apps are practically forced to quit if you restart your mobile device. And any tasks you were working on will be abandoned. All of the rest will be kept, though. The currently underway message would be destroyed. For instance, if you were currently in the process of sending one and you reboot your phone. You may still access any previously sent messages or photographs that you’ve already shot. You may get up right from where you left off with all the other files and applications.

You will just lose the tasks that you are currently working on, as was already explained. For instance, if you restart your cell phone without completely shutting down an offline game that you are playing. Whatever progress you have made would be gone.

What does a restart do to your phone in detail?  

When a phone is properly restarted, the entire device switches off before shutting down the operating system that it uses. The hardware within the device will start up an OS once you turn it back on. When the OS restarts from scratch, there are significant variations in how it will behave.

Your cell phone contains random-access memory (RAM), much like a standard computer. Some of the information on your device is stored in this memory. So that it may be quickly retrieved when you use any app. 

Your gadget runs more efficiently thanks to the RAM. It makes sure a lot of the features used by various apps may operate without issue. Your phone’s RAM is cleared when it is restarted or reset. Every program you launch and use consumes up capacity in the phone’s random-access memory. If you haven’t restarted it while you first set it up. 

While you may manually shut individual programs, more apps utilize a larger percentage of your RAM. While this should free up some space on their own, some applications might not close completely as a result. 

Instead, pieces of data from these programs may hang around, using up RAM that might be used to improve the efficiency of other apps that are operating.  Even while the OS will try its best to rearrange things to make it easier for more modern apps to function. You could notice that the phone isn’t running as easily as it did in the past, and have many issues, like calls won’t go through to A certain number, etc.

Restarting your phone accomplishes several tasks, but its main function is to release RAM for app data storage. Your phone will therefore see an increase in speed or efficiency following such a restart. Additionally, it gets rid of everything that isn’t correctly utilizing the phone’s resources. Finally, it stops unintended RAM-related memory leaks. I hope this briefing will help you to understand what does restarting your phone do?

Restarting your cell phone is more than just a suggestion

Restarting your phone may seem like a trite piece of advice for resolving problems. After all, anyone tends to believe that there is a simple solution. However, in practice, this can occasionally come to pass. 

You may resolve a variety of problems by restarting the device, such as, call ended immediately and unknown calls, but this is not a foolproof cure. So try a fast restart to see if that helps if you’re having issues with performance, connectivity, or something similar.

Should you frequently reset your phone?

It is up to each person to determine the genuine answer to this query. We may, however, provide some suggestions that viewers may want to follow as a general rule. It may be an excellent concept to switch your phone on and off once per week or so. However, there is no absolute standard in this regard. 

If you believe the gadget is functioning properly, you might extend this schedule to once every few weeks. There isn’t much of a need to restart the phone more than once unless there is a specific issue. Other types of resets, for instance, might solve problems where your smartphone is unable to execute programs. As it might or when some files contain damaged data. 

If I restart my phone, will I lose all of my pictures?

Normally, if you reset your phone, no images should be lost. The memory clears the app data when this happens. Sadly, the computer’s OS will also shut down automatically, stopping all phone system functions. All of this data cleaning does not, however, remove data from the mobile device itself. However, no applications’ content is deleted when you do this; instead, the RAM is cleared. 

The images you snap and save to your cell phone will often be saved in a specific folder. The website and its information are managed via an app that links to the photographs. Restarting the phone won’t remove any images from the device because it does not affect this data. 

When resetting my phone, should I make a backup of all my files?

Back up your cell phone beforehand if the reset you want to do involves changing any of the data on the mobile device. Through doing this, you may save this data elsewhere, like on a separate card or stored in the cloud service. And then put anything important back on your smartphone.

Restarting your Apple device or Android


 You’d expect that pressing and holding the power button on the right side of an iPhone would bring up the reset settings menu. But regrettably, that’s not the case.

 Instead, you must hold down simultaneously the left-side volume down key and the power button. Three seconds later, a power-off slider ought to show up on the screen. To confirm your activity, swipe over.

For Android

To activate the built-in voice assistant rather than the reset prompt on an Android device


In summary, as your phone ages and becomes clogged with apps. Or resolve a problem that affects the entire system.

Both of these later circumstances may necessitate a more thorough restart of your phone message protection, call rejection. So keeping a backup of your data before proceeding is essential.

This article has described briefly what does restarting your phone do. So if you want to get entire knowledge about that read the post till the end.

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