Error Fake Phone Disconnected text Message CodeIncept

How do you create a Fake Disconnected Text Message?

Have you ever wanted to play a harmless prank on a friend or loved one? We’ve got just the prank for you: the fake phone disconnected text message! With this lighthearted gag, you can give someone a momentary heart attack and a good laugh. Get ready to become the prankster extraordinaire! In this post, we’ll dive into this sneaky tactic and give you the tools to protect yourself and stay connected to the world (and your phone!).

Before moving to a fake phone disconnected text message, let’s get a short information on “What is Fake Error Message?.”

Fake Error Messages refer to deceptive or misleading notifications that appear on computers, mobile phones, or websites to imitate legitimate error and system messages and prompt users into taking certain actions or creating urgency or panic with fake error alerts designed to trick or manipulate them into responding accordingly.

What are some examples of Fake Disconnected Text Messages?

Let’s discuss and find the reasons for 5 fake phone disconnected text messages. 

  • Your phone service was disconnected due to nonpayment; please get in touch with 123-456-7890 to resume service.
  • The user’s phone may not be available or ready to receive messages due to an Error message from 9230.
  • Please call customer service immediately on (123-456-7890). They’re waiting for a response.
  • Your service has been disconnected.
  •  For assistance, please call (1234) 456-78900.
  • Please call 123-456-7890 immediately to restore service.


To pretend to be serious, convert generic numbers to any random phone number in each message above. These funny fake phone disconnected text message will surely get someone laughing; have fun and happy pranking!

How do you create a Fake Disconnected Text Message?

For you to successfully influence someone, it may help if you create and transmit a fake text message to them. There are pre-written scripts used by major cellular providers across North America and similar templates available elsewhere worldwide.

Before initiating your message-creation initiative, you must keep several things in mind. First, should the recipient choose to call you instead, these texts won’t serve any useful purpose. Instead, you would require a disconnection message similar to what can be found within Google Voice itself (for instructions, please check our Google Voice Support Section).

Second, phone companies recycle disconnected phone numbers over time. A fake text is saying number is disconnected may only work temporarily; those aware of how numbers are reused will quickly spot your fake disconnection ruse as people call and reuse their numbers without knowing about yours. One option would be to pretend someone with that same number is calling instead; as long as your voicemail cover remains covered, they shouldn’t find out! However, this solution will continue spam callers or texters; for more, go here.

Here, we explore what messages major carriers use when an attempt at texting fails to send through.

Verizon Disconnected Text Message

A fake text message saying phone is disconnected requires knowing how to do it effectively to fool friends or family into thinking their text failed to send. Verizon phones provide some great examples that allow for effortless faked disconnections if you wish to try this yourself.


Famous examples are “Verizon Disconnected Text Message,” which displays that when someone attempts to respond, it shows that your number has gone out of service; “Verizon Number Disconnected Text Message,” however, says this exact text message with additional details that their number has gone offline as well as being disconnected.

  • AT&T customers can also utilize an “out of service text message prank” to spoof disconnected texts – this message reads, “The number you texted no longer operates.” It is an effective way of making people believe their messages didn’t reach their destination.
  • T-Mobile customers can also create the illusion that their phone has been disconnected using text messaging by typing phrases such as, “This number has been disconnected text” and “This phone has been disconnected text.” Doing this lets you pull an effective practical joke or sidestep an uncomfortable discussion.

You can take things further by automating the sending of fake disconnected text messages with Google Voice, which enables you to send and receive text messages and set automatic replies whenever someone sends you one. Create a fake separate number like “The number you texted is out-of-service,” Google will send that text whenever anyone tried reaching you via text messaging.

AT&T Disconnected Text Message

If you want to tease your friends or seem as though you never received their text messages, creating a fake AT&T disconnected text message may be just what is necessary. Various methods are available for doing this – taking a screenshot of an actual separate message and then editing it to fit with what your recipient and message need before sending. Third-party apps allow you to generate such fake text messages quickly.

At the same time, it’s essential to remember that sending fake, disconnected text messages could mislead others or cause unnecessary distress. Therefore, only use these jokes with those who will appreciate your humour!

For automated text message disappearance, Google Voice provides an excellent forwarding service that simplifies the task of sending fake disconnected text messages. Calls and messages will be forwarded directly to another number. In contrast, voicemail or text message replies can be customised to simulate disconnected numbers by recording messages such as, “The number you texted is no longer operational,” etc.

Another approach would be temporarily blocking their number; when someone sends you an SMS while their number is blocked, they’ll get a notification that their message could not be delivered. This may prove beneficial if only needed for a short period.

False disconnected text message creation can be a fun way to tease friends, but make sure it is done responsibly and using services such as Google Voice to automate it or temporarily block someone’s number as needed.

T-Mobile Disconnected Text Message

With T Mobile you can find the perfect example for fake disconnected text messages. You can find phrase like: The number has been disconnected text message or “this phone has been disconnected text,” “text error message prank,” “this number is no longer in a service text message,” or even “phone disconnected text,” can add credibility and further convince someone of its authenticity.

Make the prank more convincing by creating an illusion of urgency or offering an explanation for its disconnection, for instance, by sending out text messages such as: “We apologise; however, the number you texted cannot be reached at this time – please try later” to indicate there may have been the temporary network or phone problems that caused its disconnections. This should make people believe there has been some temporary issue that resulted in its disconnection.

Fake text messages that appear disconnected may come across as deceitful and compromise relationships, so be wary when using these as pranks. Use caution and limit such jokes only to individuals you trust who will appreciate their humor and appreciate being fooled!

How Can You Send an Automatic Fake Disconnected Text Messages?

Sending messages manually may suffice if you aim to play a trick; otherwise, more advanced systems might be required. For instance, some individuals enjoy employing fake disconnection messages against spam texts; this method has some promise, but the manual implementation could lead to subpar results.

  1. Suppose you want an automated way of sending fake disconnected text messages, forwarding all calls through Google Voice. With its advanced services, such as creating personalised voicemail greetings or even using separate phone numbers to send SMSs and MMSs, Google Voice might be needed!
  2. Blocking numbers is an easy and efficient way to fake disconnected text messages. Stop their number on your phone so they cannot send text messages or calls directly to it; when they try texting you back, they will receive an error message telling them the number has become disconnected or is no longer in service.

The Bottom Line!

The article has inspired you about what happens to text messages when your phone is disconnected. suppose you were looking for fake error message text text copy and paste examples. Hopefully, you have enjoyed and can love to play with your friends and discuss these errors. 

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